Instructor Information

Kelsea Jones


Barber Hall 115e, Ontario Campus

Office Hours

Hours are by appointment.


Email Policy

I try to answer all email messages within 24 hours; however, I do not answer email after 5:00 pm or on Sundays. If you need to get in touch with me, please try to plan ahead!

Always be professional in your email communications. This means using proper greetings, proofreading for typos, and being utterly polite. I, and your other instructors, will thank you for it.

Visiting Chief Old Joseph’s gravesite near Wallowa Lake, OR.

Other Ways to Get in Touch

For updates on the course, tips on writing, and interesting news stories, follow me on Twitter or use the hashtag #WR115.

You can also set up a Skype appointment with me if you can’t make it to my office. My Skype handle is